Let's just start off by noting that this isn't a new issue. But the way the world has shifted in 2020, more and more people are facing "maskne". What is "maskne" you ask? It is the skin breaking out in the area where their mask is being worn. Why does this happen? Your skin is now being covered for longer periods of time, not allowing the pores to breathe properly. Recycled air and bacteria is being trapped into the skin thus causing breakouts. For some, the breakouts are hard and under the surface, for others they are tiny pustules forming at the surface.
Professions where a mask has always been mandatory, have always been faced this issue. Various skin treatments is the key recommendation. What can we do about this at home though? A lot of us, don't have the time to come in for treatments on a regular basis. And truthfully, yes it will keep it under control, but proper at home weekly care needs to be practiced as well.
Dry Skin Types
Applying an occlusive protecting moisturizer prior to mask wearing can help to protect the skin. This would only be a suited option for those with dry skin that isn't prone to breakouts. If applying a protecting moisturizer is your solution, be sure to use a weekly facial mask to ensure that you are still detoxifying and refining impurities. Nourish + Renew Australian Pink Clay mask is excellent for renewing dry, dull skin types. Along with weekly gentle exfoliating with Smooth + Revive Dermal Polish to reveal fresh, plump, new skin cells.
Oily Skin Types
Those that are already prone to acne breakouts and with oily skin, regular exfoliating is your best suited option. Applying a protecting moisturizer will only add to the problem. Smooth + Revive Dermal Polish was designed to gently detoxify impurities while exfoliating the skin. Do this 2-3 times a week and follow it with Calm + Restore White Kaolin Clay mask weekly as well. The calming effects of this mask help to soothe inflamed skin and gently draw out impurities.
Be sure to always replenish your skin with the proper serums after all of the refining and exfoliating. Antioxidant + Vitamin daily serum provides Vitamin C and other nutrients to aid in keeping skin strong and balanced, which will also be a great help in keeping "maskne" under control.